Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Sobriety has been good to me!  I have a house that is drafty.  A 130 lb. dog that sheds.  Cats that meow all night.  Children who are too rough with the cats.  A wife who is a bit too sloppy.  Noisy neighbors and a car that constantly breaks down.

Yes, sobriety sure has been good to me.  I would not trade in that dog, those cats, my kids or wife or even my neighbors or car for anything in the world.   These are things that define me.  These are the areas of my life that did not exist when alcohol dominated my world.

When alcohol was in charge all of my possessions easily fit into a medium size gym bag.  There was no car, no drivers license, no wife, no kids, no bank account, no nothing.  My life was a nightmare and it was going no where. 

It is true I do have some problems.  I have areas in my life that are not perfect.  But those areas have taken the place of what once was a miserable, empty, cold, evil existence that followed a path carved by a daily dependence on alcohol. 

Give me sobriety and it's challenges any day!