Sunday, August 14, 2011

How bad was it?

After just seven days sober I wondered if things were really that bad.  Was drinking ruining my life?  Do I belong here in treatment?  Should I sign myself out? 

Well, lets see. I was 34 years old.  A high school drop out.  I had a serious drunken car crash at the age of 18.  I was kicked out of the navy at age 20.  Got a job bartending at the age of 21( longest job I ever worked).  Spent serious time in and out of mental institutions in my teens and twenties.  Suffered terribly from depression.  Drank before I paid the rent or bought food.  Never had a serious relationship with a female.  Found myself constantly homeless.  Never had a bank account.  Lost my drivers license several times.  Had few possessions ( most of what I owned fit neatly in a backpack).  Tried several times to commit suicide.  Ran out of friends and family.  I would have abandoned myself if I could.

Yes, I think alcohol had a very negative influence on my life and treatment was exactly where I needed to be, and for a lot longer than seven days!!