Monday, August 8, 2011

The pain of sobriety

Sobriety has blessed me with a wife, two children, a dog and three cats.  Not to mention a promising career, excellent health along with love and joy.  But these blessings come with a price.

Back when I drank it was just me.  I lived for me, with me and entirely by myself.  My emotions were shut off to the world.  As I blog tonight our ten year old angora cat named Spencer is slowly dying.  He most likely is down to his last few hours.  He has been with us longer than any of our other pets.

The pain and sadness I now feel could not have happened when I drank.  Nothing happened when I drank.  I had no chance of experiencing loss because I had no love.  No love for myself or anyone else.  Spencer has brought me a great deal of joy over the years.  And sobriety has allowed me to feel that joy in a way that alcohol never could or would. 

When I drank my soul was a shipwreck.  But today my tears offer living proof that sobriety's pain is far better than any tranquility that alcohol attempts to deliver.